Word problems can be hard. Mrs. Hill taught us to remember key words. Key words help you know when to add and subtract. Addition key words are Baits, Altogether, In all, Total and Sum. There are a lot of subtraction key words. Many more, much more, fewer, left, less, change, difference all tell you to subtract. If you learn key words, you can solve word problems key words. 
I really like to add by drawing. All you have to do is draw a place value chart. Then you use circles to draw the top number and then the bottom number. Then all you have to do is count the numbers in each place. Drawing is my favorite because I like to draw. Drawing is easy for my because I don't have to know my addition facts to do it. All  I have to do is count!
My favorite way to add is by branching. I am good at branching because I understand place value and expanded form. I also like it because I only have to add zeroes and they are much easier to add. Branching makes addition much easier!
We have been learning about Number Forms. Numbers can be written 3 ways. They can be written in standard form like this-234. They can be written in expanded form like this-200+30+4. They can be written in words like this-two hundred thirty-four. If you get messed up you can use a place value chart to help you.
This week we have been learning about Place Value. Mrs. Hill taught us a really cool song to help us remember the places in numbers. It goes:
Ones, Tens, Hundreds,
Thousands, Ten Thousands,
Hundred Thousands, Millions
That is Place Value!
The song helps me find the place of a digit in a number. Then I can tell how much a digit is worth.


    Through the Eyes of a Child
    Each week students write about what they are learning in math.
    This is a way to share what they have experienced in Mrs. Hill's math class.


    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011

