We are off to a great start with fact practice. Math facts are extremely important in a child's mathematical career. We practice every day using Whiz Quizzes. Children must practice to get better.

With that being said some students and parents (for that matter) are really starting to stress out about Whiz Quizzes. These are not meant to be an area of stress. They are meant to be practice. (I do not even take them as a grade.) The kids are supposed to move at their own pace, which means they are not competing against one another. It is okay that some are on mulitplication while others are still on addition.

It takes time to memorize facts. Sometimes even the smartest of children have a hard time memorizing. Memorization is not a dirty word either. Yes, they need to understand what the operations mean, but they also need to be able to memorize their facts in order to recall them quickly.

Please do not stress yourself or your child out about it. They will get it in their own time. And when they do they will remember! If they get stuck on one set help them with their homework and leave it at that. Also, Thank you for all of your support.
5/31/2012 10:58:04 am

Great info, thx

7/14/2012 06:33:18 pm

THX for info


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